Safety and Daemons

(aka. Escape from System D, part III).

So Dinit (github) is a service manager and supervisor which can function as an init process. As I’ve previously discussed, an init needs to be exceptionally stable: if it crashes, the whole system will come down with it. A service manager which manages system services, though, also needs to be stable, even if it’s not also running as an init: it’s likely that a service manager failure will cause parts of the system to stop working correctly.

But what do we mean by stable, in this case? Well, obviously, part of what we mean is that it shouldn’t crash, and part of that means we want no bugs. But that’s a narrow interpretation and not a useful one; we don’t really want bugs in any software. A big part of being stable – the kind of stable we want in an init or service manager – is being robust in the face of resource scarcity. One resource we are concerned about is file descriptors, and one of the most obvious is memory. In C, malloc can fail: it returns a null pointer if it cannot allocate a chunk of the requested size – and this possibility is ignored only at some peril. (One class of security vulnerability occurs when a program can be manipulated into attempting allocation of a chunk so large that the allocation will certainly fail, and the program fails to check whether the allocation was successful).

Consider now the xmalloc function, implementations of which abound. One can be found in the GNU project’s libiberty library, for example. xmalloc behaves just like malloc except that it aborts the program when the allocation fails, rather than returning a null pointer. This is “safe” in the sense that it prevents program misbehaviour and potential exploits, although is sometimes less than desirable from an end-user perspective. In a service manager, it would almost certainly be problematic. In an init, it would be disastrous. (Note that in Dinit, it is planned to separate the init process from the service manager process. Currently, however, they are combined).

So, in Dinit, if a memory allocation fails, we want to be able to handle it. But also, importantly, we want to avoid (as much as possible) making critical allocations during normal operation – that is, if we could not proceed when an allocation failed, it would be better if avoided the need for allocation altogether.

How Dinit plays safe

In general Dinit tries to avoid dynamic memory allocation when it’s not essential; I’ll discuss some details shortly. However, there’s another memory-related resource which can be limited: the stack. Any sort of unbounded recursion potentially exhausts the stack space, and this form of exhaustion is much harder to detect and deal with than regular heap space exhaustion. The simplest way to deal with this is to avoid unbounded recursion, which Dinit mostly does (there is still one case that I know of remaining – during loading of service descriptions – but I hope to eliminate it in due course).

Consider the process of starting a service. If the service has dependencies, those must be started too, and the dependencies of those dependencies must be started, and so on. This would be expressed very naturally via recursion, something like:

void service::start() {
    for (auto dep : dependencies) {
    do_start(); // actually start this service

(Note this is very simplified code). However, we don’t want recursion (at least, we don’t want recursion which uses our limited stack). So instead, we could use a queue allocated on the heap:

void service::start() {
    // (throws std::bad_alloc on out-of-memory).
    // start with a queue containing this service,
    // and an empty (heap-allocating) stack:
    std::queue<service *> start_queue = { this };
    std::stack<service *> start_stack;

    // for each dependency, add to the queue. Build the stack:
    while (! start_queue.empty()) {
        for (auto dep : start_queue.front()->dependencies) {

    // start each service in reverse dependency order:
    while (! start_stack.empty()) {>do_start();

This is considerably more complicated code, but it doesn’t implicitly use our limited stack, and it allows us to catch memory space exhaustion (via the std::bad_alloc exception, which is thrown from the queue and stack allocators as appropriate). It’s an improvement (if not in readability), but we’ve really just traded the use of one limited resource for another.

(Also, we need to be careful that we don’t forget to catch the exception somewhere and handle it appropriately! An uncaught exception in C++ will also terminate the program – so we essentially get xmalloc behaviour by default – and because of this, exceptions are arguably a weakness here; however, they can improve code readability and conciseness compared to continually checking for error status returns, especially in conjunction with the RAII paradigm. We just need to be vigilant in checking that we always do catch them!).

Edit: incidentally, if you’re thinking that memory allocation failure during service start is a sure sign that we won’t be able to launch the service process anyway, you’re probably right. However, consider service stop. It follows basically the same procedure as start, but in reverse, and not being able to stop services in a low-memory environment would clearly be bad.

We can improve further on the above: note that while the service dependency graph is not necessarily a tree, we only need to start each dependency once (the above code doesn’t take this into account, potentially issuing do_start() to the same service multiple times if it is a dependency of multiple other services). Given that a service only need appear in start_queue and start_stack once, we can actually manage those data structures as linked lists where the node is internal to the service (i.e. the node doesn’t need to be allocated separately).

For example, service might be defined as something like:

class service {
    std::string name;
    std::list<service *> dependencies;
    // (other details)
    bool is_in_start_queue = false;
    bool is_in_start_stack = false;
    service * next_in_start_queue = nullptr;
    service * next_in_start_stack = nullptr;
    void start();
    void do_start();

Now, although it requires extra code (again) because we can’t use the standard library’s queue or stack, we can manage the two data structures without performing any allocations. This means we can rewrite our example start() in such a way that it cannot fail (though of course in reality starting a service requires various additional steps – such as actually starting a process – for which we can’t absolutely guarantee success; however, we’ve certainly reduced the potential failure cases).

In fact, in Dinit a service can be part of several different lists (technically, order-preserving sets). I wrote some template classes to avoid duplicating code to deal with the different lists, which you can find in the source repository. Using these templates, we can rewrite the example service class and the start() method, as follows:

class service {
    std::string name;
    std::list<service *> dependencies;
    // (other details)
    lld_node<service> start_queue_node;
    lls_node<service> start_stack_node;
    void start();
    void do_start();

    static auto &get_startq_node(service *s) {
        return s->start_queue_node;
    static auto &get_starts_node(service *s) {
        return s->start_stack_node;

void service::start() {
    // start with a queue containing this service,
    // and an empty (heap-allocating) stack:
    dlist<service, service::get_startq_node> start_queue;
    slist<service, service::get_starts_node> start_stack;

    // for each dependency, add to the queue. Build the stack:
    while (! start_queue.is_empty()) {
        auto front = start_queue.pop_front();
        for (auto dep : front->dependencies) {
            if (! start_queue.is_queued(dep))
        if (! start_stack.is_queued(dep)) {

    // start each service in reverse dependency order:
    while (! start_stack.is_empty()) {

(Note that the templates take two arguments: one is the element type in the list, which is service in this case, and the other is a function to extract the list node from the element. The call to this function will normally be inlined by the compiler, so you end up paying no abstraction penalty).

This is a tiny bit more code, but it’s not too bad, and compared to the previous effort it performs no allocations and avoids issuing do_start() to any service more than once. The actual code in Dinit is somewhat more complicated, but works roughly as outlined here. (Note, I snuck some C++14 into the code above; Dinit itself remains C++11 compatible at this stage).

There’s more to resource safety than memory and stack usage; I may discuss a little bit more in the future. I hope this post has provided some interesting perspective, however. As usual, comments are welcome.


Since last post, I’ve added a “stop timeout” for services – this allows setting a maximum time for a service to stop. If it takes longer than the allowed time, the service process is issued a SIGKILL which (unless something really whack is going on) should cause it to terminate immediately. I’ve set the default to 10 seconds, which seems reasonable, but it can be configured (and disabled) via the service description file.

(I’m not sure if I really want this to be enabled by default, or whether 10 seconds is really enough as a default value – so this decision may be revisited. Opinions welcome).

Other than that, it’s been bugfixes, cleaning up TODO’s in the code, and minor robustness improvements. I’m aiming for complete service management functionality soon (and in fact Dinit already works well in this capacity, but is missing one or two features that I consider important).

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